The Privacy Paradox

Privacy in a Digital Age

Privacy is not something to be taken lightly. Especially today, as we become more tech-reliant and our digital footprints grow.

Yet in light of this fact, more and more, we hear news of how companies are monetizing our data or stories of massive data breaches. These incidences are so common that we've become numb to the privacy claims companies make.

Now, we just shrug them off, assuming the company has a way of monetizing our data. Or we click "Accept" on rambling privacy policies without a second thought, just so we can continue enjoying the convenience of a service. There's actually a term for this growing apathy and skepticism we feel towards these claims—"privacy fatigue".

However, genuine privacy protection still exists. There are a number of service-providers whose claims are actually legitimate, who genuinely care about maintaining their user's privacy.

How CountPesa Prioritizes Privacy

  • Local data storage: All your financial data is stored exclusively on your device. We don't have access to it, and it's never shared with third-parties.
  • Data minimisation: The application only requests for data that it requires to operate, and its core features have been designed to work offline without needing to transmit data externally.
  • Encryption wherever necessary: Some application functionalities cannot be performed on-device, and necessitate server-side processing (for example statement parsing). In such a scenario, data is encrypted in transit and is never stored on the server. Backups generated by the app are also encrypted to ensure your data remains secure.
  • CountPesa's backend codebase has been open sourced: This means anyone can verify that we don't store user data. View the codebase here.

What you can do

There are steps each of us can take to protect our digital privacy:

  • Read privacy policies: Take time to understand how service providers handle your data.
  • Use privacy-focused services: Support service providers that prioritize user privacy.
  • Regularly review app permissions: Ensure apps only have access to the necessary information they need to function.
  • Stay informed: Keep up with privacy news and best practices.

As users, we must remain vigilant and demand transparency from service providers regarding their data practices. And for service providers, it's time we rebuild trust through strong security measures, clear communication, and a real commitment to privacy.

Take Action Today

Privacy shouldn't be seen as a feature—but a basic right. Just as we expect an app to perform well, we should also expect it to respect our data privacy. Good financial tools don't have to come at the cost of your privacy. Your data is yours, and it should stay that way.

Download CountPesa and experience privacy-first financial management.

Denis Githinji
Author and Developer