The rise of privacy-centric local-first applications

What are Local-First Applications?

At a time when our digital lives are increasingly cloud-dependent, a countertrend has been emerging - the rise of privacy-centric, local-first mobile apps. These are applications that are designed to minimize reliance on internet-connected services and instead leverage the immense processing power and storage capabilities of the user's own device.

It's remarkable when you consider the computing power we now have in our pockets. The average smartphone today has more raw processing capability than the entire NASA guidance computer that landed astronauts on the moon in 1969. Yet we've become so accustomed to offloading most of our app's functionality to the cloud that we often fail to fully harness the power of the device itself.

The Benefits of Local-First?

The primary motivation behind local-first apps is a growing concern about data privacy and security in our hyper-connected world. As more personal information is funneled through centralized cloud platforms, the risks of data breaches, surveillance, and unauthorized access have become increasingly apparent.

Local-first apps offer a compelling solution by keeping the core functionality and data on the user's device, reducing opportunities for sensitive information to be accessed or misused by third parties. The reduced dependence on internet services also makes local-first apps inherently faster and responsive since the data is always locally available.

Trade-offs and Work-arounds

The trade-off, however, is that local-first apps may not be able to match the cloud-powered functionalities offered by their internet-dependent counterparts. Features like synchronizing data across multiple devices or advanced server-side processing can be challenging for local-only apps.

To address this, some local-first apps adopt a "local-first, cloud-optional" approach. The app's core experience is optimized for local operation, but users can choose to connect to cloud services for supplementary features when needed. This gives users the best of both worlds - the privacy and reliability of local processing, with the option to leverage cloud capabilities.

Case Study: CountPesa

CountPesa is a prime example of a local-first app designed to maximize the value of local processing and storage. The app syncs with your M-Pesa SMS messages to automatically import and organize your transactions, enabling easy expense tracking and budgeting, all without sending your data to external servers. This local-first approach ensures your financial information remains private and secure while still providing the convenience of powerful expense management.


CountPesa Web: Local-First, Cloud-Optional

Building upon the local-first principles of the CountPesa mobile app, the web version, CountPesa Web, embraces a local-first, cloud-optional approach.

Users can upload their data to the web app in two ways:

  1. by downloading a copy of their data from the mobile app,
  2. or by uploading an M-Pesa statement directly.
For M-Pesa statement uploads, the data is parsed server-side (due to technical limitations in PDF parsing on the frontend) and then returned to the local web application for secure storage and analysis. The user's data is never stored on the server, only processed and returned. The entire process is designed to minimize the exposure of sensitive information, using bank level encryption to secure the data in transit.

On the web app, the larger screen real estate allows for more detailed insights and interactive visualizations of spending patterns. Additionally, users can set up password protection for an extra layer of security. All this is managed locally within the user's browser.

An AI Copilot that Doesn't Compromise Privacy

CountPesa Web also features an innovative component called ChatPesa - an AI-powered copilot that enhances the user experience when analyzing spending habits.

Unlike traditional data visualization tools that require a series of clicks and swipes to configure filters, ChatPesa offers a more intuitive, conversational interface. Users ask ChatPesa questions about their spending in plain English, and the AI will translate those queries into the necessary commands for CountPesa to generate the desired visualizations.

Importantly, ChatPesa is designed to provide this powerful functionality without ever sending the user's data to external servers. The AI assistant simply acts as an interpreter, using just the user's input and knowledge of how the application works to generate the necessary data visualisation commands.

By seamlessly blending local-first principles with an innovative AI assistant, CountPesa Web empowers users to explore their financial data in a more natural and efficient manner, without compromising the core privacy benefits of the local-first approach.


Of course, local-first apps won't be the right choice for every use case. There will always be a need for cloud-dependent apps that leverage the scalability and functionality of internet-connected services. But for users who prioritize privacy and security, or simply desire a more reliable and responsive mobile experience, local-first apps represent an appealing alternative to the status quo.

If you're interested in taking back control of your digital life and managing your finances with the privacy and security of a local-first approach, I invite you to download the CountPesa mobile app or explore CountPesa Web today.

Experience the true power of your device working for you.

Denis Githinji
Author and Developer